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Sacred Tools


Regular price $20.00 USD
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Dream. Artemisia Vulgaris. This magical plant has been known to provoke lucid dreaming, as well as other wide ranging properties.
It has a big affinity in the female reproductive system in regulating the menstrual cycle,
demising cramps, and cleansing the uterus physiologically as well as energetically.
A very calming plant, helps to relieve insomnia and aid in depression. A wonderful plant ally for any medicine cabinet

In the Middle Ages, mugwort was used as a magical protective herb, also as a remedy against fatigue and to protect travelers against evil spirits and wild animals. Roman soldiers wore it inside their sandals to protect their feet from fatigue.

It was widely used in witchcraft, because it was said to induce lucid dreams and astral travel. Smoking or consuming the plant, before sleeping, increases the intensity of sleep, the level of control and helps to remember them when waking up.

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